Last year I harvested a single pumpkin. One. We technically had two that made it past the size of a golf ball, but one grew on the other side of the fence and got stolen.
I harvested the seeds, dried them, and kept them for planting this spring. I planted three pumpkin plants that are growing great. Except one thing.
Two of the plants are growing pumpkins resembling last year’s pumpkin. One plant is growing … something else.
I picked one of the mystery squashes yesterday because I wanted to see what was inside. I cut it open and found this:
Not very pumpkin-y. Most people told me it was spaghetti squash. A twitter friend gave me cooking instructions, and this morning I cooked it up.
It was a bit stringy, but didn’t exactly come out as spaghetti squash. It definitely does not taste like pumpkin, though. I think I’ll keep the name Mystery Squash.
Has anyone else had this happen? I’m fascinated by it.
© Jen Wilson 2013. All rights reserved. | Originally published for as the case of the mystery squash.