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Pitch Perfect is my new favourite movie and I fail at parenting


So, sometimes I don’t completely understand or read things properly. Like when I was playing Scategories the other night and completely misread more than one (or two or four) of the clue things and my answers may or may not have been completely and totally off. So when now, lately, everyone’s been talking about the movie Pitch Perfect, I kept thinking they were talking about that old Jennifer Aniston movie, Picture Perfect. And I am a huge Jennifer Aniston fan, but I did not like that movie at all and I was wondering why everyone was all of a sudden talking about it. Maybe it’s because I don’t have cable and therefore do not watch commercials (I do not miss it or them). And then people started talking about the cup trick song thing and that it was from the movie and finally all the stars aligned and I figured out what everyone was talking about. I’m an idiot.

That cup song thing? Totally a camp thing. I remember sitting around a round table at Rough Acres with a group of girls doing that clap cup thing, passing the cups one to the right as we’d finish a “verse”. Except we didn’t sing. We just clapped and tapped and sent cups flying and got put on dish duty.

Since EVERYONE ON TWITTER cannot shut up about Pitch Perfect, I figured Erica and I had better go see it. We made some popcorn at home because there is no way I am paying twenty-five dollars for snacks at the theatre. I mean, we did cave and bought four-dollar (!!!) drinks, but we brought our own snacks. Anyway, while I was making the popcorn, Kaylie asked me, “I thought you weren’t allowed to bring outside drinks into the theatre?!”

“Uh, we’re not! We’re eating it on the way! Before the movie! We won’t bring it in, don’t worry!”

I am a horrible parent. That lady who, twelve years ago, said I should not keep my baby but should give her up for adoption instead because I was being selfish for keeping her because I was only 17 years old was probably right. I should not have had children. I am leading them astray by BRINGING MY OWN SNACKS TO THE MOVIE THEATRE.

Because we did eat that popcorn in the theatre. Sneakily. Don’t tell Kaylie, lest I NEVER LIVE IT DOWN.

So. The movie. It was freaking awesome. Erica and I laughed our hilarious Braam laughs pretty much the whole way through. Goodness. My belly and jaw ached by the time the credits started rolling. And I totally did NOT dance in my seat during the final number, NO I DID NOT.

But do you want to know what we did do? We threw our cups in the garbage can on our way out of the theatre. Because we may be theatre rule-breakers, but we clean up after ourselves because it’s just a nice thing to do for those people who clean theatres.

On Saturday I taught Kaylie that cup trick thing (without the singing, because you do NOT want to hear me sing) and we laughed and threw cups around and had a great time and maybe I don’t suck at this parenting thing as much as you thought I would, LADY.

© Jen Wilson 2013. All rights reserved. | Originally published for jenwilson.ca as Pitch Perfect is my new favourite movie and I fail at parenting.

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